Friday, April 6, 2012

April 5, 2012, Thursday -- Shane woke up at early finally (6:30) and got a run up to the fell, had a sit with beautiful sunrise.  Got back before anyone knew I was gone.  The kids and Shane, walked around town, the promenade playground, duck pond for picnic and took the train to Arnside, while Nicole had quality time with Gran.  Shane enjoyed a Guinness on tap at Arside -- he absolutely loves public transportation!

Footpath leading away from town toward fell.  The path eventually leads through a farm, something you would see in a fairytale story.  It feels like I'm intruding on the privacy of the land owners, but it's a public right-of-way.  Cultural mentality of land ownership here is a bit different than the private property rights in the States.

 Wind blown dwarf trees at the top of the fell; calm winds are a rarity here.

Above - View northward, mountains in the lake district.  The Photo does no justice.  Stone walls seem to crisscross through the landscape endlessly.  Right - Shane's sitting spot; not a soul in site on the early morning run.

Proud Cedar Kai at the height he has reached on this perfect climbing tree.  Raynna falls from the same tree after relying on a weak branch.  She is saved on a perfect sloping branch that she catches on her rump.  She is in tears and shaken from the event; I'm initially scared shitless that she could have easily had a good trip to the ER.  Whether you believe in divinity or not, there are blessings in life, there are blessings in life.

Afternoon fish and chips in Arnside.  Note: Dad's sacred Guinness in foreground.

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